
8, In Your Face, No Nonsense, Tips for Long-Term Permanent Success!!!


It’s that time of year. The time where we want to jump-start our systems, head back to the gym, vow to lose those pesky pounds. In lieu of crash dieting in 2017, here is some real life weight loss advice from a realistic Registered Dietitian.

1. Education. You have to learn how to read a food label, how to make a grocery list for the week, how to put together meals (for some, not only for you but an entire family), what is a correct portion for you, etc. You have to become educated on food and nutrition for life long success. I implore you instead of throwing money down the drain on another supplement or packaged meal plan, make an appointment with me, or one of my fellow health coaches! You will learn tons and save a whole lotta mula!

2. You have to plan. Period. End of story. It’s not glamorous. It’s not sexy. It is MOST definitely NOT fun (for most). But it works. It truly does. If you plan out your breakfast, lunch snack and dinner you are less likely to be hungry, to watch your portions and be less tempted to go through a drive thru. (and it saves money. Lots and lots of money).

3. Speaking of drive thru’s. Stop going through them.. Pretty Please.

4. You have to exercise. Have to have to have to. Find something you love or at least something you don’t hate. And do it often. Wear a pedometer and increase your steps daily. Take a class. But just get moving! Your body is not meant to be idle. If you sit all day and all night, you need to constantly get up and move to offset this. Get that heart rate up. Life some weights. Do some stretching. Your body, metabolism and heart will thank you down the line!

5. Stop using your kids and significant other as an excuse why you can’t eat healthy. (or your job or other fill in the blank excuse). You can make a meal that can usually satisfy most people. And if not, it won’t be the end of the world! (Too bad, so sad! is the answer my kids get if they don’t like” something, lol!) I have 4 opinionated children and an even more opinionated husband. I cannot possibly satisfy everyone’s taste buds every night. Pretty sure most of them would just love it if I made hot dogs and chicken fingers 5 nights a week. But is that the healthiest food for them? No. So guess what. It’s an everything in moderation thing in my house. You do not have to be a short order cook. You don’t have to please everyone at every meal.
Make small changes. You can bake instead of fry. You can add vegetables, steamed, roasted or a nice salad. You can have fruit for dessert. The possibilities are endless. When I hear someone say, “I can’t eat this way, I would have to make 2 meals, 1 for myself and 1 for family”. I cringe. You can make food that is kid friendly but healthy. TRUST ME.

6. Make small changes. Make a small goal and then work towards it. Baby steps are better than none at all. I am not a fan of the “I’ll start my diet Monday” approach. What about your next meal? Can you squeeze a workout in today after work? Can you increase your pedometer step goal? Small changes add up over time. I had an almost wheel chair bound patient of mine increase her steps from 1,000 to almost 6,000 a day just by using this approach. You can do it! Stop listing your excuses and instead list what you CAN accomplish!

7. Please ditch the sugary drinks. Please, please, please. Your body, heart, pancreas are not a fan. Wean yourself off as much sugary beverages as you can. Drink LOTS of water. Ice cold, water. From a BPA free container. All day. Throw a slice of lemon or berry or cucumber in there. But drink water. It will energize you and help you burn more calories.

8. You only get one life. Some longer than others. Let’s make the most of it shall we? Instead of constantly dieting, taking pills, hating on our bodies…embrace life and the body God gave you! Make goals, stop waiting for Monday to press the restart button!!! Email me about 1 on 1 counseling or to see what group programs of mine would work for you. Get started today. NOT Monday!



New class coming up!
The Shannon Center Presents 8 Week Class begins on Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

All lessons will be taught from 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the Shannon Center.
Tuesday, January 31st – Tuesday March 28th (Skipping 3/7 for spring break)

• PowerPoint lessons, handouts, and a sample
meal plan will be provided.
• Average weight loss is 8 lbs. for women and for 12 lbs. for men!
• Includes Devine Nutrition on the Go menu planner for duration
of program
• Weekly weigh in and food journal reviews

Please contact Jen Quinlan at 773-298-3778 or with any questions.
Open to the first 20 people. (Need minimum of 7 to hold class)

Need some weeknight inspiration?
Check out the Devine Nutrition Weeknight Meals on the Go!


Kelly Devine

Devine Nutrition Founder
Run to Pub Founder
Registered Dietitian
Individual Nutrition Coaching

Kelly Devine, MS, RDN, LDN, is a registered dietitian, fitness coach, marathoner and maestro of healthy fun. Through Devine Nutrition, she instigates health, friendship and (sometimes sudsy) fun in her native Southside Chicago through classes, coaching, events and laugh-as-you-go pub runs.

Want to schedule an appointment with Kelly? Most insurance accepted.
Schedule here!


Kelly Devine

Devine Nutrition Founder
Run to Pub Founder
Registered Dietitian
Individual Nutrition Coaching

Kelly Devine, MS, RDN, LDN, is a registered dietitian, fitness coach, marathoner and maestro of healthy fun. Through Devine Nutrition, she instigates health, friendship and (sometimes sudsy) fun in her native Southside Chicago through classes, coaching, events and laugh-as-you-go pub runs.

Want to schedule an appointment with Kelly? Most insurance accepted.
Schedule here!


Kelly Devine

Devine Nutrition Founder
Run to Pub Founder
Registered Dietitian

Kelly Devine, MS, RDN, LDN, is a registered dietitian, fitness coach, marathoner and maestro of healthy fun. Through Devine Nutrition, she instigates health, friendship and (sometimes sudsy) fun in her native Southside Chicago through classes, coaching, events and laugh-as-you-go pub runs.

Individual Nutrition Coaching

Want to schedule an appointment with Kelly? Most insurance accepted.
Schedule here!

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Start Living a Happier, Healthier Life–TODAY

Devine Nutrition helps people lead well-nourished lives, no matter their busy schedules. That’s why we’re sharing recipes for quick, easy meals with you! Check out these five recipes you can make in under 30 minutes.

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